Gerhard Steiner from GRIMM AEROSOL becomes GAeF board member
The Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung serves as a forum for the various disciplines of aerosol research
Hamburg / Ainring, 16th of September, 2022 – Gerhard Steiner, senior scientist and product manager for nano measurement at GRIMM AEROSOL, has been elected to the Board of the Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (GAeF). The GAeF became known to a wider public when it joined the debate on appropriate measures to contain the coronavirus, including this open letter to the then German federal government and states.
"I have been a member of GAeF for several years and see the work on the board as an opportunity to strengthen the interaction and collaboration between researchers and instrument manufacturers for working together on the future demands and needs in aerosol science," says Steiner.
The GAeF serves as a forum for the various disciplines of aerosol research and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration. It focuses on Europe and the DACH region, but has members worldwide from a variety of disciplines, including industry, universities, medical centers and research institutes. In addition, an important function of the GAeF is to promote young scientists and to sponsor and organize scientific workshops and conferences.
The GAeF Board is elected every two years. Board members like Gerhard Steiner may apply for a second term. Commitment to the GAeF is voluntary.
For more information about GAeF, visit https://www.info.gaef.de/.
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