Innovation award for the new EDM 280 environmental dust monitor
Friedersdorf, 26th of September, 2023 - Every two years, the Reiner Lemoine Foundation honors companies in the East German district that stand out for their special innovations. “On September 13, I had the honor of accepting the special prize of 2,000 euros for our new, stationary environmental dust monitor EDM 280,” reports Torsten Straßburger, Managing Director of GRIMM AEROSOL TECHNIK, a member of the DURAG GROUP. “We prevailed with it in a strong competition”, he is pleased. “The jury from science, business and politics awarded it as an extremely innovative measuring instrument that is second to none.”
The Reiner Lemoine Foundation awards the prize together with the “Entwicklungs- und Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Anhalt-Bitterfeld” (EWG). In her laudatory speech, EWG’s managing director Elena Herzel highlighted the unique technical specifications of the EDM 280, the ongoing commitment of GRIMM AEROSOL TECHNIK and the team's cooperation.
Torsten Straßburger adds: “This award also once again confirms us as an attractive, innovative company from the region.” He adds that the prize money will of course benefit the team, without which the success would not be possible. All four award winners and the other participants are honored in a brochure and with the official award logo for advertising purposes.
The special prize for innovation of the Reiner Lemoine Foundation is part of the regional commitment to a dynamically developing economy and is intended to create awareness and recognition for sustainable and successful companies and start-ups. The award was named after the German engineer Reiner Lemoine (1949 to 2006), a pioneer in the field of renewable energies.
You can find more information about the price here (German): https://www.ewg-anhalt-bitterfeld.de/de/bericht-zur-preisverleihung-2023.html