Service training
Process and Environmental Monitoring

Event: Service training process and environmental monitoring | Training of environmental monitoring devices for dust and volume flow measurement for technicians
Location: DURAG GROUP Training Center Hamburg
Language: English
Price: 570 € per person/per day
DURAG accessories
- D-ISC 100
- D-ESI 100
DURAG dust monitoring
- D-R 320
- D-R 290 2G
- D-R 808
- D-R 820 F (on request)
- D-R 909 (on request)
DURAG volume flow measuring system
- D-FL 100
- D-FL 220
DURAG filter monitors (on request)
- D-FW 410
- D-FW 440
- Product overview
- Basics on measuring principle
- Practical training on installation, operation and maintenance
- Instructions on troubleshooting
- Handling of control units
Target group
- Service staff
- Commissioning staff
- Planner
DURAG GROUP Training Center Hamburg, Kollaustraße 105, 22453 Hamburg, Germany
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